The UNPAD Faculty of Economics Visits
Bandung TEL-U, (05/10) – Faculty of Economics and Business has been visited by a group of the Associate Program of Faculty of Economics UNPAD. The Group of D3 FE UNPAD was welcomed directly by the TEL-U FEB Management lines, such as FEB DEAN, Dodie Tricahyono, Ph, D. MBTI head of study program Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, The study program secretary Elvira Azis, The Head of Accounting study program, and the Head of Associate Degree Marketing Study Program Ganjar M Disastra at the FEB Dean meeting room in Manterawu Telkom University building.
D3 FE UNPAD coordinator, Dr.Endang Taufiqurahman delivered the goals of their visit is to exchange information and solutions regarding the study program management, in order to develop education quality.
Organization structure, Funding Management, Curriculum, Final Test System, Certification, and the Shareholder attachment were the points of the meeting. Dr. Sutisna, Dr. Rita K, Dika Jatmika, Sri Djatmika was attending the meeting alongside Dr. Endang Taufiqurahman in the D3 FEB UNPAD.