A Public Lecture with Mr. Italo Gani
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Telkom University (Tel-U), once again held a public lecture. The public lecture was held in the third-floor auditorium of S1 MBTI Internasional study program on Jalan Gegerkalong No. 47, Bandung. There are 49 students from the sixth batch or 2nd semester have attended this lecture. The theme of the lecture is “Integrated Marketing Communication for Mass Communication and Personal Communication.” The students were very enthusiastic when attending this public lecture, which was hosted by Mr. Italo Gani, a Co-founder and also CEO of Adskom.
The lecture held on Friday, April 17th, 2015, starts from 15.30 WIB until 17.30 WIB. The 2nd-semester students were taking the Marketing Management subject, which was covered in this lecture. With engaging content, the lecture could connect theory and reality in industries. The students are expected to be actively asking and discussing with Mr. Italo Gani as the speaker.
With this public lecture on Marketing Management, students are expected to find inspirations and raise their innovations. Besides, self-motivation is necessarily needed to create or expand their own business in the present and the future. (FEB/slm)