Knowledge Management & Mental Foundation as a Formula of Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs are successful because of their positive perception towards business failures, business challenges, criticism, mistakes in business and life in general. This is the sole reason why I emphasize the need for a change of mindset before ever starting a business.

Today, in the era of the digital market, we call it “E-Commerce”. The market now is more widerspread and increasing competition. Internet provides marketers with new ways of identifying and communicating with customers. Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, but successful usually have some things in common. Employers certainly face many obstacles from the first day they have a business dream. One industry that is highly developed is the developer of the game.

According to Mr. Arif as CEO Agate one of the game industry in Indonesia, he builds the first dream with very limited capital and human resources. Starting from 15 people who have a background as a designer and techniques that have the same passion, the game. Without a business background, are desperate they have been executing their business dreams. He said that “Idea it’s not the important thing, without execution valid to the market. Execution as good as your positive mental attitude”

Cureently, Agate is the popular Game Industry in Indonesia even creeping collaboration in international projects. This proves that successful entrepreneurs do not depart from the theory of others without themselves involved in it. E-commerce has opened the space of innovation and start forming a new culture in human civilization today. This proved that not only focuss on the customer and supplier intimacy but also on their employe intimacy for achive their efectiveness way.

Agate which is actually a digital market, was able to grow with their slogan a fun way to work Work should be fun. Passion can’t be taught. When it wanes, as it surely will in difficult times, take some quiet time. People have confidence in trustworthy individuals and want to work for them in a culture of integrity. The same is true for customers.

Supported by Agate ability to build a good management information system. Agate also did some collaboration in the global e-business. Agate has Advertisement (Sponsorship), Free and Freemium game in their revenue model. They are as content provider which produce e-goods in gaming program and community provider that Agate has.

Most of companies engaged in the digital market has a pleasant working environment for their employees, for instance Google, Kaskus, Youtube and many more, intentionally provide comfortly enviroment for employees. It has the same basic purpose, Ai??to improve the quality of performe of employees. Ai??Others words to increasing the “A positive mental attitude”. How about the others important thing? Knowledge management.

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge.It refers to a multi-disciplinary approach to achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge. Knowledge management efforts typically focus on organisational objectives such as improved performance, competitive advantage, innovation, the sharing of lessons learned, integration and continuous improvement of the organisation.

KM efforts overlap with organisational learning and may be distinguished from that by a greater focus on the management of knowledge as a strategic asset and a focus on encouraging the sharing of knowledge.It is an enabler of organisational learning.

The relationship KM and Entrepreneurship is Knowledge management cannot theories and also the related studies to knowledge improve the entrepreneurship lonely, perhaps it has effect management and entrepreneurship, to evaluate the on continuously improvement. Furthermore the implicit relationship between knowledge management and knowledge is mentioned as key obstacle for entrepreneurship, the following model could well show entrepreneurship.

In the other hand because implicit the relationship between knowledge management and knowledge is usually a part of long time learning process entrepreneurship. and has place in thinking construction, so act as a This research will be done in the categories of protection element in connection with entrepreneurship. descriptive, correlation and applied research. And also as a part of safety system prevents the copying of system.

Agate do acquaring magazine each week and then from their founder their share it with the others, They do Knowledge management well. Ai??No background in Business did not be a big wall that cannot be broken. They are as a great team with great knowledge management.

One of the dealing Factor is Resourcefulness, consisting of Vision which associated with corporate vision and mission statment. Secondly, Culture associated with Culture and value statment, inline with the flow and nature. The third is Mental Foundation which relates to the Positivity (Right habit) and self dicipline and take initiative .

Mr. Arif explained the difference on the two types of mental foundation. First the positives atittude, someone who has the attitude is more concerned with the things around him, He has the ownership, carefull. Negative attitude that a man who did not look around, ignore, and does not have a sense of caring more which not a initiative person.

We can integrating and increasing performance each employee with the good knowledge management.Ai?? We Ai??need to believe in ourself, in our business, and that we will be successful. This confidence is contagious with our employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and everyone we deal with. Many organizational and leadership shortcomings can be overcome or mitigated with the good attitudes described above. All can be learned except passion, which comes from within.


Written By:

Affrilia Utami (1401144500)

ICT International Class 2014

as part of Assignment of Management Information System Course

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