Telkom University Industrial Gathering
Telkom University Career Development Center organized the Industrial Gathering on Friday the 13th of June, 2014. at the Grand Ballroom, Trans Hotel, Bandung. This event is attended by delegations from industries and the Telkom University lecturers from several study programs. This event aims to weave a good relationship between Telkom University and Industries that have recruited Telkom University’s former students. This event creates momentum for discussing the necessities between industries and Telkom Univerisity regarding the University graduates. Infomedia, Bank Danamon, Bank Syariah Mandiri, and PT. Toyota-Astra Motor are the names of industries that participated in this event.
The peak of the event is presented in the form of a Talkshow regarding the “Future Human Capital Business by Dr.Ir. Budi Darmadi, M.Sc (Director General of High Technology-Based Leading Industry, Ministry of Industry, Republic of Indonesia). Budi later stated that Technology-based human resources are highly needed. The Development of the Content Industry and Electronics Manufacture is becoming the main focus of the industry. This event is also attended by a speaker from NET Mediatama Indonesia who is delivering a speech regarding the work conditions in a media and entertainment company. In their speech, speakers emphasize the necessities of improving Technical and Hard-skills as well as encouraging the students from Telkom University to improve their written and spoken communication skills.
This type of event is planned to be routinely organized by the CDC of Telkom University with presenting different topics. Through this event Academic Community within Telkom Univeristy will hopefully keep getting the latest updates in Industrial Developments