Even Midterm Examination 2020-2021
Informed to all MBTI Students that the Midterm Examination will take place from April 5 to April 17, 2021. Reminder To Print Exam Cards, so as not to have problems during the Exam. For the card printing period is 1 to 9 April 2021. https://baa.telkomuniversity.ac.id/pengumuman-pencetakan-kartu-uts-semester-genap-ta-2020-2021/
MBTI Students Enter Top 5 Innovillage
Congratulations to the FEB student team from the MBTI Study Program, Shinta Kusuma Wardhani with her supervisor Mrs. Eva Nurazizah for winning the top 5 best for the Innovillage program with the village development program “Minakita Crowfunding & Trade Marketing Based on Digital Management in the Fisheries Cultivation Sector”