in Management of Business in Telecommunication and Informatics Study Program
Program Studi S1 MBTI telah terakreditasi “UNGGUL” BAN-PT
BAN-PT No. 12578/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/XI/2021 Berlaku hingga 24 Juli 2023
Ratih Hendayani, ST., MM., Ph.D
Kaprodi S1 Manajemen
Greeting from Head of Study Program
Management of Business in Telecommunication and Informatics (MBTI) Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University has always been committed to improving and disseminating information as well as our commitment to achieving educational services in line with our vision and mission.
MBTI is one of the best study programs at Telkom University with many achievements. We are always looking for creativity and innovation in organizational development, human resources and curriculum to meet the needs of industry and stakeholders.
Our study program always grows progressively and cooperates with other public and private universities in Indonesia and abroad, industry and government, both in the fields of teaching, research and community service. The MBTI program is also very committed to shaping the character of professional undergraduates.
To achieve that, our curriculum has referred to the KKNI (National Competency Standards Framework) for Higher Education outlined by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) and we always carry out regular reviews to update with the dynamics of the business world. Our study program is also supported by faculty who are competent in their fields with minimum Master’s degree holders.
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“MBTI Program has tremendously helped me to understand more about how businesses work theoretically and practically”
Dr. Anisah Firli Direktur Sekretariat Telkom University