Working Visits to USM and UUM
Faculty of Economics & Business, Telkom University, formerly Telkom Management Institute (IMT) has established cooperation (MoU) with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) since 2014. In order to renew the MoU, FEB made a working visit to UUM represented by Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary and Puspita Kencana Sari, S.Kom, MTI. The working visit was made on January 14, 2015. Feb representatives were greeted by the Dean of the School of Computing, UUM, Dr. Huda Haji Ibrahim along with SoC lecturers and International Office (Inter-National Cooperation) staff. In 2014, MBTI International Undergraduate Study Program has sent 4 students to the Student Exchange program. The visit discussed the performance evaluation of student exchange participants and subsequent cooperation programs such as Joint Research and Lecturer Exchange.
This year, the MoU between FEB UUM will be expanded to an MoU between Telkom University and UUM so that the cooperation carried out can more broadly cover all faculties at Telkom University.
Previously, FEB representatives also made a working visit to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on January 13, 2015. The visit was welcomed by representatives from the USM International Office, Dr. Anees and colleagues. In the meeting, several points of cooperation were agreed which will then be poured into the MoU. Some of the closest programs that will be implemented are Student Exchange and Joint Research. Another program that can be done is to hold a Seminar or Conference together. The MoU between Telkom University and USM initiated by FEB is planned to be inaugurated this year. However, the cooperation programs that have been agreed upon at the meeting can be implemented immediately. The hope in the future will be more collaboration between Telkom University and universities abroad for the advancement of science and the achievement of Tel-U’s vision to become a World Class University.